Let’s Celebrate! National Homeownership Month
June is National Homeownership Month, a time for American families to celebrate, share stories, and create memories for years to come. While the “American Dream” of owning a home can be a long process, families and communities are reconsidering what they want in a home due to current circumstances. As the pandemic factors in concerning the changing priorities, so do the types of homes people are looking for. More people are looking for extra space inside and outside of their homes where they can enjoyably spend more time within the confines of their property. The need for more space paves the way for working from home, e-learning, and just spending time with family. Schedule your home inspectors Fayetteville AR today!
Surveys show that real estate is ranked as one of the best investments you can make. Among reasons to celebrate, here are 5-Benefits every American homeowner should enjoy this National Homeownership Month:
1. Pride Of Ownership
Nothing could be more enjoyable than living in a space that is uniquely yours. You can customize your home to your tastes.
2. Stronger Connection
Homeowners have a stronger connection to their neighborhoods and are more likely to contribute to their community.
3. Comfort And Safety
Owning a home gives you comfort, protection, and privacy. These things have become even more valuable during the recent health crisis.
4. Effective Inflation Hedge
A property is often a good hedge against inflation. As inflation rises, so do property values. So it is a key advantage.
5. Highly Illiquid Asset
An owned home is a tangible asset. However, while it has significant value, homeowners cannot quickly and easily sell the property without substantial depreciation.
6. High Transaction Costs
When buying a home, the transaction costs are considerably higher. However, talking about investing in your future, the longer you’re in the house, the higher your equity will be.
No home and homeowner are the same. Everyone’s journey to homeownership is unique. Realtors, home inspectors, assistance programs, and all other roles play a part in the home buying process and making your homeowner’s success story an incredible one. Schedule your home inspectors Fayetteville AR today!
To all homeowners, take time this June to celebrate the new era of homeownership and how it has added value to your life. The National Homeownership Month is also a great opportunity to help home buyers become more informed homeowners.
If you or someone you know is looking to buy or sell and needs a home inspection, please be sure to consider Detect-It Real Estate Inspections In addition, you can call at (479) 551-8040 or visit our website for more information or schedule your home inspection Fayetteville AR services today.
Schedule your home inspection service online right from our website TODAY or call us NOW at (479) 551-8040.

A thriving job market, great house values, entrepreneurial growth, dynamic festival scenes, and pretty much anything you could ever need or want in a city to work, live, and play in, Fayetteville, AR makes one of the most liveable places in America.
Are you ready to move to Fayetteville, AR? Then we at Detect-It Real Estate Inspections are ready to be your home buying advocate making sure you find the perfect place to hang your hat.
Our professional home inspectors will thoroughly evaluate all aspects of the house or condo you are looking to buy. Our pros at Detect-It Real Estate Inspections do their job with due diligence to make sure we uncover any issues or concerns that could potentially impact the property value before closing a sale. All findings will be included in a comprehensive digital inspection report that will be delivered to you within 24 hours.
Schedule your home inspection service online right from our website TODAY or call us NOW at (479) 551-8040.
…Because a quality home for your family deserves no less than a quality home inspection service |
Detect-It Real Estate Inspections.